“Sifted, Saved, and Strengthened” (3/30/14)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff Luke 22:1-46 1. Have you ever had the worst in you brought out for all to see? 2. The enemy wants to sift you too! Lets expose satan's plan! What are some tactics satan tries to use against you? 3. Jesus tells Peter that after the sifting, he can actually strengthen the other disciples. The same can be true for Christian leaders today. How does that work? There are 4 ways. a. b. c. d. Further Study: 1 Corinthians 10:13 1. Why do you think God allows u...
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“Redeeming Nature by Supernatural Means” (3/23/14)

Mr. Lee Corpier Ephesians 2:1-7 1. How would you define the Supernatural? Have you experienced something supernatural in your life? 2. God calls every believer a joint heir of His kingdom; what other things have you been called? Does knowing that we began supernaturally give you a different perspective about the nature of man? 3. Have you ever experienced a time where you did not have hope? What brought you out of it? 4. Does knowing that God will do anything in His power to love you ...
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“God is Working His Purpose Out” (3/16/14)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff Genesis 45:1-46:7 1. Sometimes good things can come out of bad things. Have you ever experienced that in your own life? 2. God is at work in Joesph life even when he is not aware of it. Write down some examples you see. 3. What is the greatest example of God working for good in the worst of times? Further Study: Matthew 28:5-10 1. In this week's sermon we learned about Joesph's sorrow turned to joy. What similarities do you see in these verses from Matthe...
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“What Money (or Anything Else) Can’t Buy” 3/9/14

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff Genesis 43 1. What's the one thing money can't buy? 2. What do you think God is foreshadowing in Genesis 43? 3. Why are we called to give, serve, and behave in certain ways? Further Study: Ephesians 2:8-9 1. Think about this week's sermon and how Joseph behaved toward his brothers, how his heart ached for them. Think about his gift for them. How was Joseph's response "Godly"? 2. Now think about God and his heart toward human-kind. What is God's ultimate gift...
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B.A.S.I.C. to Begin Again on Sunday, March 30th!

B.A.S.I.C. is a disciple-making process which is designed to move participants through phases from that suitable for a seeker to that of a mature follower of Jesus Christ.  Each phase is broken into units which participants may take according to the needs of their spiritual journey, either starting at the beginning and working through to the end or picking and choosing which units to take.  B.A.S.I.C. units are grouped into the different phases of discipleship: Calling phase (Welcome and Overv...
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