
Committees and Ministry Teams that operate within our church:

Elected Committees:

Administrative Council – Acts as executive agency of the congregation between Church Conferences.
Staff-Parish Relations – Oversees staffing arrangements and supports staff to ensure effective service.
Trustees – Maintain buildings and grounds in ministry-ready condition.
Stewardship and Finance – Prepares and submits budget to Church Conference, monitors cash flow, evaluates investments, seeks to establish faithful congregational giving patterns.
Lay Leadership – Identifies, develops, deploys, evaluates and monitors non-staff leaders.

Appointed Teams:

Education Committee– Supports All Christian education ministries.
Worship Committee– Supports worship ministries.
Community Outreach Committee– Seeks to find ways in which the church can share the Gospel with those outside the church.
Missions Committee– Seeks to find ways to support local and overseas missions associated with our church.
Nurture Membership Care Ministry– Supports people inside and out of the congregation with resources and assistance when available.