Last Night at Ablaze

Last night at Ablaze we discussed how some times as we progress in our relationships with our parents, we start to push away from them in our teenage years. But we have suggested that they don’t need to and should not ever push their parents our of their lives. Learning how to be an adult is more about accepting our relationships and taking personal responsibility for our actions in those relationships. Some times we for get that our parents have thoughts feelings just like we do. So we need to step back and think about the impact of those relationships.
As we grow and experience other groups of people we add relationships that then will impact our lives. When those relationships start to become the primary voice in our lives we are allowing them to speak with great affect. Who are these primary voices and what are they saying? Are they speaking into our lives the same morals and values of our parents?
We talked about wisdom and how Godly wisdom in someone’s life is critical to spiritual growth. As a part of this series we are asking the youth with their parents to start thinking of people who could be a primary voice in their lives. Someone who is saying the same things, that the youth can relate to, who is living with the wisdom of God in their lives.
We are including an eXPerience sheet that further explains what we mean and how to get started. If you would like further resources about this or have any questions as to why we are doing this, please contact one of our Youth Leaders today. If you need a real, living example of this I (Lee Corpier) would be happy to tell you about my own experience anytime.

Thank You and Happy Searching,
Lee Corpier
Minister of Youth