“We Are Powered By God, Part 1” (1/22/12)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff,
Sermon Studies; January 22, 2012
Scripture: Acts 2:1-13
“We Are Powered By God, Part 1”

1. What do you think Tabor needs first and foremost to get the job done for Jesus?
2. If the Holy Spirit were to be completely withdrawn from your life, how much would change?
3. If the Holy Spirit were to be withdrawn from Tabor, how much would change?
4. In the coming days how can you be intentional about relying more fully on the Holy Spirit?

Further Study:
Additional Scriptures:
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. (Ephesians 4:30)
Do not quench the Spirit; (1 Thessalonians 5:19)

1. Why is the Holy Spirit important in the life of a Christian?
2. We are commanded to “be filled with the Holy Spirit.” How are we filled with the Holy Spirit?
3. What “grieves” the Holy Spirit?
4. What would be an example of “quenching” the Spirit?
5. What safe guards can you take in your life to avoid “grieving” or “quenching” the Holy Spirit?