“We Are Spirit-Filled, Part 2” (4/15/12)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff,
Acts 8:26-40
Sermon Questions:
1. In the beginning of the book of Acts Jesus says “You will be my witnesses…”. To whom was he speaking?

2. Was it Philip the Apostle or Philip the Deacon that witnessed to the Ethiopian?

3. Can a Christian be full of the Holy Spirit and not be Jesus’ witness?

4. Can you remember a time when you did something unexpected or went somewhere unexpected only to find out that the Holy Spirit created a witnessing opportunity?

Further Study:
Luke 9:1-6
1. Was this sort of “proclaiming the good news” meant only for the original twelve disciples?

2. If this story is partly meant to be an example for us today what would it take for it to be implemented?

3. Have you ever had the experience of your witness being “welcomed”? How about “un-welcomed”? How did you handle the experience?

4. Some Christians might say that this type of evangelizing was much easier when Jesus was your “personal trainer”. Could it rather be easier for Christians today since we have both the Holy Spirit and the Bible?