Feeding The Homeless at Arch Street UMC, Philadelphia

Ablaze Youth and Juniors for Jesus are heading down there on April 29 to feed those who come to the church for food.   We could use your help.  We are planning on serving the people hot roast beef sandwhiches, baked pototoe, corn and dessert.  Below are items that need to be purchased to provide these people with food.  If you could help with any of these items that would be great.  Just let me know what you are able to do.  There will also be a sign up sheet outside the Sanctuary.  If you do not have the time to go shopping we will certainly take donations toward food.
We will need:
         13 – 5 lb. bags of white potatoes
         30 – 16 oz bags of frozen corn
         11 – 1lb. packages of sliced roast beef
         8 – large loaves of white bread

Please reply back to me if you can help in anyway.  All food needs to be at the church by Sunday, April 29 noon.  Any adults who would like to come along, please talk to me.  A small number of you are welcome but we need to be conscientious about how many of us go down there.
Anyone going should be at the church by 3:45 PM to help load cars.

Here is the permission slip for you to complete if a parent is not traveling with their child.  In addition we will also need an up to date medical form.
Thank you for you help,

Maryanne Ditter