“We Must Learn to Handle Rejection and Adoration” (6/24/12)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff,
Acts 14:1-28

Sermon Questions:
1. Paul and Barnabas experienced both rejection and adoration as they proclaimed the good news of Jesus’. Which situation most upset them?

2. When you are faced with rejection or adoration, do you feel you are able to handle them both appropriately?

3. In what ways do you see God equipping you to share the Good News?

4. In what ways can you ready yourself for rejection?

Further Study:
Mark 6:1-6

1. Why do you think people in Jesus’ hometown had such trouble believing that he was the Messiah?

2. In his earthly ministry Jesus experience the full range of “rejection and adoration”. What are we to learn from this story?

3. Does it surprise you that Jesus “could not do any miracles there”?

4. What role did faith play in this story?