“We Sometimes Go To Jerusalem” (9/23/12)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff
Acts 20:17-21:14

1. Has anyone ever tried to stop you from doing something that you believed to be the right thing to do because of the consequences you might have to endure for doing so?

2. Have you ever tried to stop someone from doing the right thing because of the consequences?

3. Have you ever had to marched right into the center of hostility towards you?

4. Where, in your life, are you being called to go to Jerusalem?

5. Where are we, as Tabor Church, called to go to Jerusalem?

6. Here is the challenge this passage brings to us, Will we go?

Further Study:
2 Timothy 1:7-8

1. When you read these verses what images come to your mind?

2. If “the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid” why do we find ourselves so often fearing following God’s will for our lives?

3. Has the fear of being ashamed about what others might think ever prevented you from doing something you thought you should do?

4. Realizing now that you have a non-timid, powerful Spirit of love and self-discipline; what are you planning to do to “join in the suffering for the gospel”?