“We Place Christ Above Custom” (9/30/12)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff
Acts 21:15-40
1. Has anyone ever criticized your work? How did you feel?

2. What kind of complaining bothers you the most?

3. The spreading of the good news of Jesus to Gentiles means that Christianity was becoming a world-wide
phenomenon. Could there be any better news than this?

4. What are the beloved and long standing human customs at Tabor which are currently getting in the way
of making disciples for Jesus Christ?

Further Study:
Galatians 2:1-8

1. Why was it that some Christians thought it was such a big deal whether-or-not a Christian was circumcised?

2. Can you think of a ‘custom’ today that presents an obstacle to people becoming believers in Christ?

3. Do you ever find yourself placing conditions on others that aren’t really Biblical?

4. How about Tabor church? Do we expect others to meet certain qualifications before we ‘really’ accept them into our church family?