“Jesus and His Relationships” (2/3/13)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff

Mark 3:7-35
1. Jesus said, “Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and
mother.” Write down you thoughts about this statement.

2. What was it that held Jesus disciple group together enough to allow
them to begin doing what Jesus called them to do?

3. It’s the same with Jesus’ disciples today.  We’re a pretty diverse
lot. We’re from all over the social and economic scales.  What is it
that holds our relationships together?

Further study:
Acts 2:42-47 

1. What was it that held the early church together so tightly?

2. Is it crazy to believe that the church could be this way in 2013?
Why or why not?

3. Think about this. Could I sell my property and possessions and give
to anyone who has need?