“Jesus and His Authority, Part 2” (4/14/13)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff
Mark 5:21-43
1. Could it be that these stories in Mark are seeking to provide us with a framework by which we can understand the frightening, threatening parts of our lives?

2. Who is this that even the touch of his garment cures illness? Who is this that death bends to his wishes? Write down why God played out these scenes to show Jesus authority.

3. Try to identify in you faith journey what may be keeping you from full belief in the authority of Jesus. Write it down here. Consider asking someone to pray for you.

Further Study:
Matthew 8:5-13
1. Is there a person in your life that has the faith of this centurion? Remember them as you write down what you admire about their faith.

2. Who are the people from the “east and the west” that Jesus is speaking of?

3. Meditate on this story. Imagine yourself in this scene. Grasp the depth of this man’s faith. Seize it for yourself!