“Keeping It Simple” (7/21/13)

Reverend Maryanne B. Ditter
Mark 12:28-34
1. Think about someone from the Scriptures that God used to show His love to others. What impresses you the most about that person?

2. Now think about someone in your life that you sense really needs a loving touch from God. How might God want to use you to bring His love to them?

3. You might be asking yourself, “How can I love my neighbor as myself when I feel like I can’t even love myself”? Write down from today’s sermon things you may have learned to begin to change your point-of-view toward yourself.

Further Study:
John 13:34-35
1. Do you believe Jesus is telling us in these verses that we should only love other Christians? Explain.

2. Sometimes it is hard to show even a small kindness to someone who is just nasty. How can God soften our attitudes toward people like that?

3. How we love others is closely tied to our own self image. Pray and meditate on God’s love for you. Let Him show you why you are His Beloved.