Interested in Staffing the Welcome Center?

Exciting times are ahead of us at Tabor Church!


The first phase of the Welcome Center (the physical phase) is complete!  We now have a sturdy, professionally made and installed space to welcome newcomers as they enter the building.  It’s now time for the second phase (the people phase).  This means you!


Are you willing to be trained to staff the Welcome Center?   God will use you in enabling Tabor to move forward into greater fulfillment of the Great Commission and the vision of Tabor Church: Honoring God * Serving Others * Making Disciples.


During training, you will be shown everything you need to know about staffing the Welcome Center.  Currently, there are two dates set for this training: Saturday, August 24 and Saturday August 31 – both from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.  The training will be held at Tabor Church.


Please let Pastor Blaik ( know as soon as you can if you can attend one of these dates!


By God’s power, let’s get the Welcome Center up and running!