“Jesus and His Purpose” (9/22/13)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff
Mark 10:32-52
1. Are you following Jesus for any wrong reasons?

2. How does Jesus respond to his disciples who are following him for
the wrong reason?

3. Prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to reveal within you any “spiritual
blindness” that may be hindering you in your walk as Jesus’ disciple.

Further Study:
John 1:43-51
1. Was your coming to Jesus more like Philip’s experience or Nathanael’s?

2. Jesus told Nathanael “I saw you while you were still under the fig
tree before Philip called you.” Imagine Jesus saying something to you
about seeing you before you came to Him. What is He saying to you?

3. For some people Jesus can simply say “Follow me” and they go, yet
others need someone to come along side them and say “Come and see”.
Find someone this week to whom you can say “Come and see!”