Jesus and His Lordship, Part 3 (10/20/13)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff
Mark 11:15-19
1. Looking back over your life and how Jesus has been at work in your
life; has He done what you’ve expected Him to do?

2. Jesus didn’t go to the Roman palace or to the soldiers barracks to
overturn things. Jesus went to the center of spiritual power, the
Temple, and he turned everything upside down! Why?

3. What would happen if every believer completely focused on doing
what God was calling His people to be and do? What would happen then?

Further Study:
Matthew 21:23-27
1. Why did Jesus respond to the chief priests and elders in this way?

2. Why is the question of authority so important to the chief priests
and elders?

3. Where do you say Jesus authority comes from?