“Jesus and People’s Offerings” (11/24/13)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff
Mark 12:35-44
1. What types of offerings impress Jesus?

2. This woman’s offering has been an inspiration to Jesus’ disciples
for 2000 years. How has her offering inspired you?

3. How did this woman’s Faith (Trust in God) play a role in her offering?

Further Study:
Mark 12:35-44
1. Jesus gives a harsh warning that the teachers of the law will be
judged more severely. Why?

2. “Lack of money, power, position or prestige is not a barrier to
being great in the kingdom of God.” Explain how you know this statement is

3. Imagine yourself sitting with Jesus as He teaches. In your mind see the
woman make her offering. Listen to Jesus tell you about this woman’s
offering. What is He saying to you?