“The Cosmic Dimensions of Christmas” (12/8/13)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff John 1:1-18 1. Have you ever had a Christmas that was TOO big, culturally speaking – a Christmas that wore you out so you couldn't even enjoy it? Explain. 2. What makes John's Christmas story personally inspiring for you? 3. What can you do this Christmas season to make Jesus BIG in your world? Further Study Re-read John 1:1-18 1. What is the significance of Jesus being “the Word”? 2. What does it mean that Jesus is “the Light"? Describe the type of da...
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“Jesus and His Future” (12/1/13)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff Mark 13:1-37 1. Has the world as you knew it ever ended? Do you know what it’s like to have your Temple destroyed - to have what you hold sacred crumble to little pieces, to see defeated what you thought was invincible, to lose what you thought would always be there? Explain. 2. What do these verses teach us about how to live as faithful disciples of Jesus when the world as we know it comes to an end? 3. The future belongs to Jesus. It was the vision of Jesus...
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