“When Faith Seems Strange” (2/2/14)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff
Genesis 21:1-22:19

1. Have you ever experienced something that seemed strange close up,
but made sense from a distance when you could see the bigger picture?

2. Has what your faith required of you ever seemed strange to you? If
so, what did you do?

3. When your faith (and what it requires of you) seems strange, God
may be in the process of putting together circumstances that will
strengthen your faith. What is God doing in your life right now that
seems strange?

Further Study:
re-read Genesis 21:1-22:19

1. Beginning in verse 16 God makes an oath because of Abraham’s
obedience. Why do you think God did this

2. How do you imagine these events will shape the man Isaac will later become?

3. Do you ever feel tested by God? Why does God test our faith?