“Can God Use Dysfunctional People?” (2/9/14)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff
Genesis 27-33
1. God often chooses to use flawed and “less than perfect” people to
move his plan forward. Consider the places where you are flawed and
less than perfect.

2. Genesis tells us that the broken places of personal failure can be
opportunities to experience the transforming power of the living God.
How might God be using failure in your life to transform you?

3. God can and does use dysfunctional people. Think about people and
situations that you are aware of. How is God working within you and
those people and situations?

Further Study
Jacob Wrestles With God
Genesis 32:22-31
1. What is the meaning of Jacob wrestling with God? Do you ever feel
like you wrestle with God?

2. Is there a significance to the type of injury Jacob received during
the wrestling match? Why or why not do you think so?

3. Why did God change his name from Jacob to Israel? Do you think that
God has changed your name?