“The Importance of Integrity” (2/23/14)

Pastor Blaik J. Westhoff
Genesis 39-41
1. How would you define integrity?

2. Why did Joseph continue to have integrity in the face of such trials?

3. Genesis says that God works through the integrity of his people.
In what ways has God used your integrity to bring about his purposes?

Further Study:
Re-read Genesis 39-41

1. There are no recorded accounts that Joesph ever had a personal
encounter with God yet he lived a Godly life. How?

2. If you look at Joseph’s life you might assume that he must of
really messed up and that God hates him. Why do you think God allow
all the wrong to happen to Joseph?

3. Image yourself in one of the scenes that Joseph acts with
integrity. How does the scene make you feel? Are you inspired to
live with Godly integrity?