Sunday, June 8th, 2014 – Unity Sunday – One Service of Worship at 9:00 am – You Want to Be There!

8:30 am  

Chatroom – Come and enjoy a cup of coffee (and possibly more) before worship in the Fellowship Hall!


9:00 am  

Worship –Graduate Recognition AND Reception of New Members!


10:30 am  

Sunday School – All classes (children and adult) will meet as usual, but at this different time


1:00 pm 

All-Church Picnic at Coble Park in Zieglerville – Bring a meat for your family (grills provided) and a side dish to share!


3:00 pm 

Walk-A-Thon for Backpack Ministry at Coble Park during picnic


4:00 pm

Youth leave to go to Philadelphia to assist with feeding ministry for the homeless