Good Morning Everyone!
This week's lesson is week 3 in our church-wide Bible study using Thom Rainer's I Am a Church Member. It's been a great few weeks so far, and this week's chapter was called "I will not Let My Church Be About My Preferences and Desires." The sermons are linked below and I strongly encourage you to listen to them. It's also not too late to join in to the study, just giv...
Church News
October 20, 2019 – I Am A Unifying Church Member
Hello again!
This is week 2 of our 6 (7 with the intro!) week church wide Bible study around the book I Am a Church Member by Thom Rainer. Week 2 discusses what it means not just to be an attending church-goer, but a unifying church member. Give the sermons a listen below, and also check out the weekly GPS, or grow, pray, study guide, to continue learning all week long.
8:00am Service
October 13, 2019 – I Am A Functioning Church Member
Hello Everyone!
Today we began our church wide Bible study using the book I Am a Church Member by Thom Rainer. Give the sermons a listen and get a glimpse of what's to come for Tabor as we learn what it means to have the privilege of being a functioning church member.
8:00am Service
10:45am Service
October 6, 2019 – Rules For Living A Holy Life
Good morning everyone! Our sermon was delivered by Reverend Ditter this morning, and comes from Colossians 3:1-17. Give the services below a listen and enjoy. Also linked below is the weekly Grow, Pray, Study Guide, or GPS. It's a wonderful way to continue your spiritual growth and encourage your prayer life throughout the week.
8:00am Service
10:45am Service
Grow, Pray, Study Guide
September 29, 2019 – Improving Our Serve
Hello friends, family, and everyone who stumbles upon our little space on the web. This week we were blessed to have Pastor Rich Poole come and preach to us. Give the sermons a listen by clicking the link below to learn what we learned about service.
Also linked below is the weekly Grow, Pray, Study (GPS) Guide. Use it to continue learning throughout the week.
8:00am Service
10:45am S...